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Never Fully Invest At All Times# (Z23,BL29)

Harga Asal: RM60.00
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Price in points: 54 points
Weight: 0.38 kg
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Tajuk: Never Fully Invest At All Times#
ISBN: 9789670015507
Penerbit: Acepremier Sdn Bhd
Penulis: Dr Tan Chong Koay
Tahun Terbitan: 2023
Muka Surat: 235m/s
Halaman: Hitam dan putih
Format: paperback
Berat (kg): 0.377kg
Dimensi (cm): 15cm x 21cm x 1cm
Never Fully Invest At All Times is an invaluable guide to achieving investment success, authored by Dr Tan Chong Koay, the distinguished award-winning Fund Manager and Bestselling Author of “Rising Above Financial Storms.” Over a remarkable 47-year career, Dr Tan has honed successful investment strategies that transcend market fluctuations. The book not only unveils these strategies but delves into the profound thinking process behind them, offering readers a unique glimpse into the mind of an investing maestro through real-life examples. Unveiling a treasury of insights, the book covers: » Proven Strategies: Discover the time-tested investment principles that have consistently delivered outperformance over nearly five decades. » Philosophy and Thinking Process: Gain a deep understanding of the enhanced value investing philosophy to improve your investment success. » Market Inefficiencies: Learn how to be a contrarian and capitalize on stock market mispricing to generate higher returns. » Crisis and Opportunities: Learn how to navigate volatile markets effectively and pick investment winners during times of crisis. » Risk Management: Understand the risk of equity investment and how to manage it to avoid costly losses Benefit from the wisdom of an award-winning fund manager who has consistently achieved success over 47 years in the highly volatile world of investments. The book is not just theoretical; it provides practical examples that illustrate how the author’s strategies have been applied successfully in the real world. Learn from his mistakes and triumphs, gaining a unique perspective on overcoming challenges and identifying opportunities in any market condition. “In Never Fully Invest At All Times, I share my journey, my philosophy, and the strategies that have stood the test of time. This book is not just about making money; it’s about understanding the art of successful investing.”
AcePremier Sdn Bhd
Tahun Diterbitkan:
Hitam Putih
Muka Surat:
235 Muka Surat

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