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Malaysia An Economy At The Edge of Transformation (Q18)

Pre and Post-Election Reflections on the Malaysian Economy.
Harga Asal: RM28.00
ANDA JIMAT: RM2.80 (10%)
Price in points: 26 points
Weight: 0.29 kg
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Transformation without thought runs the risk of being short term or a kneejerk reaction to events. Shaping the future requires forethought, planning and informed decision making. Nambiar has made it his business to encourage us all to think, and provides us with some trenchant thoughts and ideas to help us along the way.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. President, Parti Keadilan Rakyat


A must read if you want op-eds about key issues in the economy before and after a momentous event: regime change in Malaysia.

Edmund Terence Gomez. Professor of Political Economy, University of Malaya


A wide ranging discussion of the economic issues leading up to GE14, predicating the same questions facing the new PH government, from the debt crisis created by the 1MDB debacle, to macroeconomic imbalances and geo-economic challenges, and the prospects of economic transformation. An informative economic buffet for the new ministers and their advisors to chew on.

Tan Sri Dr. Kamal Salih. Founding Executive Director, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research


Nambiar once again presents us with a remarkable collection relevant to anyone interested in Malaysia's economy, impressive in both its breadth and depth of issues covered. Incisive and bold, he proffers solutions for our many existing policy problems - a practical handbook for economists, policymakers and think tankers.

Tricia Yeoh. Fellow, IDEAS


About the author

Dr. Shankaran Nambiar is a senior research fellow at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER). His areas of research are mainly in trade policy, development and institutional economics. He has consulted for government agencies in Malaysia and for international organisations such as UNESCAP, UNECLAC, UNDP, ILO, ADBI, ERIA and the ASEAN Secretariat. He has been a resource person for various capacity-building programmes in Central and Southeast Asia. He is the editor of Reassessing Poverty in Malaysia, and is the author of The Malaysian Economy: Rethinking Policies & Purposes and Malaysia in Troubled Times: Economic Challenges, Difficult Decisions and the Malaysian Economy.

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