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Digital Competencies for Information Literacy # (L24)

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Tajuk: Digital Competencies for Information Literacy
ISBN: 9789672831860
Penerbit: UMP Press
Penulis: The Reading Makchixx
Tahun Terbitan: 2023
Muka Surat: 199
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Paperback
Berat (kg): 0.165 kg
Dimensi (cm): 18 cm x 25.5 cm x 0.5 cm 
Information literacy emphasises on the ability to locate and navigate information. Literacy Itself is an evolving concept that is essential for every citizen, especially in today's borderless society. In line with UNESCO'S Information for All Program (IFAP) strategic plan, the component of information literacy comprises a set of knowledge, attitude and skills that leads to the ability to access, analyse, evaluate, use, produce and communicate information, media content and knowledge in creative, responsible and ethical ways in order to participate and engage in personal, professional and societal activities. Today, information is available on various digital platforms, and it is very important for every citizen to be confident and competent in using these technologies for information, communication and basic problem solving in all aspects of life. This book is an initiative under Celik Digital • UMP Stem Lab, which Is a collaborative effort between Universiti Malaysia Pahang and UNESCO Information for All Program (IFAP). The aim is to raise awareness, and discuss and deliberate about digital competencies for information literacy and its implementation strategies in various international communities. competencies for information literacy and its implementation strategies in various international communities. We hope that this module continues to serve as one of platforms for the readers to increase their understanding and engagement as media creators, producers and consumers. Among topics covered include how the media works and how to use it better to further their own personal goals, wisely and ethically. From addressing concerns like media ownership, privacy, and violence to comprehending media consumers, industries, and consequences, all crucial media subjects are presented in a condensed manner that keir media literacy abilities.
*Table of Content*
Chapter 1: Computer
Chapter 2: The Internet
Chapter 3: The Media
Chapter 4: Security and Privacy
Chapter 5: Digital Citizenship
UMP Press
Tahun Diterbitkan:
Hitam Putih
Muka Surat:
199 Muka Surat

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