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Judul:  Tafsir Surah Al-Ikhlas (Himpunan Tafsir oleh 3 Ulama Tafsir) Penulis:  Imam Al-Sa’di, Imam Al-Tabari dan Imam Ibnu Kathir Penterjemah:  Maktabah...
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Judul:  Ciri-ciri Isteri Solehah Judul Asal (Arab):   Sifat Az-Zawjat Al-Solihat Penulis:  Shaykh ‘Abd Al-Razzaq bin ‘Abd Al-Muhsin Al-Badr...
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Fear of public speaking is very commomn, with almost 1 in 4 people reporting being anxious when presenting ideas and information in front of an audience....
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SYNOPSIS  A Successful Relationship is one that recognizes the difference between men and women and is able to get beyond the he said/she said...
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SPEED READING Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's ability to read quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and...
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Sinopsis:   "Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah. "sesungguhnya petunjuk...
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"Reading and naps, two of life's gretaest pleasures, go especially well together. A power of short nap ( duh ) that ends before you enter deep sleep. The...
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SINOPSIS / SARI RANSANG The role of secretary of a management committee can be key to the efficient functioning of the committee, particularly in...
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Isi Kandungan 1. Misteri Lembah Boscombe 2. Lima Butir Biji Oren 3. Lelaki Bermulut Herot   Sinopsis Misteri Lembah Boscombe Holmes...
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SINOPSIS/SARI RANSANG Kisah silam kembali menghantui Profesor Dee. Demi menebus kesilapan lalu, beliau nekad melakukan sesuatu. Kai, remaja yang memiliki...
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Sinopsis • Buku ini memberikan penerangan yang mendalam tentang surah al- Quraisy dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah, sesuai untuk anak-anak....
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Apabila telah disabit berkaitan larangan Nabi Muhammad terhadap perlakuan "Bidaah", maka setiap umat Islam akan berwaspada dengannya.  Sikap tidak...
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'How do I remove my nervous feeling?' Bad news is: You can't. Good news is: You shouldn't Nervousness is a sign that we value the thing we are...
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Kuasai Sekarang! Strategi Mudah, Sistematik dan Berkesan!   Adakah anda benar-benar serius ingin menguruskan wang dengan betul dan teratur tanpa...
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A Friend asks, "How Are You?" You want to say, "I'm fine", but you know that is untrue. You are in pain, but you don't know how to express it. A...
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Sinopsis/Sari Ransang Ribuan tahun selepas peperangan yang memusnahkan hampir keseluruhan dunia. Nusantara kembali aman di bawah naungan sultan...
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