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The Lies We Tell Ourselves: How to Face the Truth, Accept Yourself, and Create a Better Life # (L30,BL45)

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Price in points: 48 points
Weight: 0.27 kg
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Tajuk: The Lies We Tell Ourselves: How to Face the Truth, Accept Yourself, and Create a Better Life #
ISBN: 9786297699400
Penerbit: Acepremier
Penulis: Jon Frederickson
Tahun Terbitan: 2017
Muka Surat: 168 m/s
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Paperback
Berat (kg): 0.265kg
Dimensi (cm): 22.5cm x 15cm x 1cm

Do you feel stuck in your life? Do you wonder why? Does something seem wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it? In The Lies We Tell Ourselves, psychotherapist Jon Frederickson reveals the ways we fool ourselves and how to get unstuck.


Through dozens of stories and examples, he shows how the apparent cause of our problems is almost never the real cause. In addition, he reveals what we really fear and how to face it.


In these pages you’ll discover

» How to identify the lies you tell yourself

» How to face the truths you have avoided

» Why you stay with someone who isn’t good for you

» How to stop saying yes when you really mean no


Although we may use falsehoods to escape pain, clinging to our fantasies actually becomes the source

of greater suffering. This book shows how to create a better life by letting go of our lies and facing reality. It also demonstrates that therapy is not merely a chat; it is a relationship between two people devoted to facing the deepest truths of our lives so we can be healed.


“This book is a revelation—a gift to all who come across it. I can’t recommend this book highly enough!”

—Patricia Coughlin, PhD, author of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy


“I wholeheartedly recommend this book to everyone who wants to see what therapy is really about or who

wants to increase the value of the psychotherapy they engage in or offer to others.” —Peter Fenner, PhD, author of Radiant Mind and Natural Awakening


About the Author

Jon is on the faculty of the Washington School of Psychiatry where he is co-chair of the Intensive Short

Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Training Program. He is also chair of the Intensive Short Term Dynamic

Psychotherapy Training program of the Norwegian ISTDP Society and faculty on the ISTDP Training

Program of the Italian EDT Society and the Laboratorium Psykoeducaji in Warsaw. He conducts trainings in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Lebanon, and the United States.He has a website where you can download videos,webinars, and articles, and access ISTDP training


Tahun Diterbitkan:
Hitam Putih
Muka Surat:
168 Muka Surat

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