Tajuk : KOMBO: Mizi Wahid (Softcover)
ISBN : kombo-mizi-wahid-softcover
Format : Softcover
Berat : 0.90 kg
KOMBO: Mizi Wahid (Softcover) merangkumi tiga buah buku iaitu:
1. The Art of Letting God (Softcover)
2. Call Upon Him (Softcover)
3. You Are Loved (Softcover)
- The Art of Letting God (Softcover)
Do you feel overwhelmed right now with all the pressures and uncertainties of life?
Does the thought of your past failures, failed relationships and negative labels drag you down?
Have you ever wished that you could just leave everything behind and start fresh?
Are you ready to finally let go , move on and live a happy joyful life?
If you keep bringing negative baggage from yesterday into today, it will eventually poison your future. Your problems are real. And you may have had an unfair past, but the truth is, you don't need to have an unfair future.
You may have had a rough start in your marriage, your business, your career - but it's not how you start that matters most, it's how you finish. Let us begin the exploration of your journey towards "surrendering" in this book. And may we all find the strength to let go, the capacity to forgive, and the faith to move on.
- Call Upon Him (Softcover)
We often find ourselves asking, "Why hasn't Allah SWT responded to my Du'a?"
We're told to bear patience but slowly our hope diminishes with each passing day.
Is there something wrong with the way we're making our Du'a?
Call Upon him discusses 21 practical steps on how we can nurture our relationship with Allah through our Du'a. It teaches us how to strengthen our trust when we are required to stay in faith throughout the long wait after the Du'a has been made.
Written with the sole intention to inspire people to have unquestionable faith in Allah, Mizi Wahid shares his wisdom in understanding the real science of how prayer, our efforts and fate come together to determine our destiny in this life and the hereafter.
- You Are Loved (Softcover)
It has become harder to love ourselves each day, especially when all we see are perfectly curated posts of other people's happiness on social media.
We begin to fall a downward spiral of thoughts dominated by self-hate and insecurities. Our broken souls feel we are undeserving of love and affection.
"I wish to validate your feelings if no one has ever done it before. I know you exist. And your existence is important enough for me to speak to you directly : You exist, and you matter."
In Mizi Wahid's third book, he explores the concept of love and its impact on our lives. With his signature narration style of hope and compassion, 'You are Loved' is not just emotionally inspiring but also spiritually empowering - it is the companion that we need as we try to find our way back to the real meaning of love.