Penerbit: Bookiut
Penulis: Serein Choo
Muka Surat: 276 m/s
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Paperback
Berat (kg): 0.265kg
Dimensi (cm): 20.8cm x 13.9cm x 1.8cm
24th February 2035 marks the date where the sun had vanished, plunging us into an abyss of darkness; the immediate concern wasn't how we would survive. Survival was not the answer; modification was.
It was the day we became Oxy, altered humans integrated with parasitic plants designed to produce oxygen in a realm deprived of sunlight. This transformation marked the loss of that world, birthing a new one—our world—sustained by the symbiosis between modified humanity and parasitic flora.
Thus, it begins the new generation, Oxy-Generation.